Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bold and gutsy move

The news a few weeks ago about Ray Boltz coming out has really got me thinking.
I am taking a leadership class that leads to ordination as an interfaith minister. For homework we were told to write a 3 page paper about a spiritual leader. The spiritual leader could be anyone. The assignment was to be presented the first weekend of September but class got canceled so it will be presented next weekend instead. I originally wrote my paper on Ben and Jerry (of the Ben and Jerry ice cream fame), it was safe and fun, but I was not satisfied with the way the paper turned out. Now, I think I am going to write my paper on Ray Boltz.

I was talking with one of my classmates via facebook chat and told her I was thinking about changing my paper. Without knowing the story behind it she gave me some very good ideas on how to integrate my reason for changing the paper with Ray's story as well as bits of my own.
I am a bit scared and fearful. I'm not quite sure why because I know everyone (all 5 of us plus three teachers) in my class is very accepting of ALL people.

I made a commitment to myself when I started this class that I was not going to do the assignments just to get through the class. I promised myself I would give it my all. So, I had to really think about that Ben and Jerry paper and if I presented it would I really be giving my all? Hmmm, makes me think about some lyrics of Rays "What if I give all I have?What will that gift do? My child, a gift like that could change the world"

This wouldn't be the first bold and gutsy thing I've done recently. A couple days ago I walked away from a job that was robbing me of my health and sanity from the stress. So outing myself to my classmates should be easy right?

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