Saturday, September 20, 2008

My history, part 3

(silly computer deleted several paragraphs, now I have to write this out again)

At the next leadership class I shared my assignment, but left some parts out as I was not comfortable sharing them yet. My spiritual teacher looked at me and told me to continue working on the assignment. I was not able to eat dinner that night. After class I found myself asking her "Where do I go from here?" It was hard, but I broke down and spilled my guts. I told her what I was feeling. I know to some it may sound bad, but her response can be summed up as "yeah, so what?" No big deal. I am still the same person she has always known. When I see her nothing is different. It's the best response I could have received.

I ended up chatting with one of my classmates on Facebook chat and I came out to her too. Once again, no big deal. As I shared my story she was able to share hers too. After that chat I realized that I had kept myself in my own self imposed prison. By keeping my pain to myself I was also not allowing someone else to tell their own story.

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