Thursday, September 25, 2008

I think this is what they call a LIFE!

I was woken up at 6:45 am by a phone call for a temp job. YEAH!!! It was good, but my phone fell out of my purse and is still in the cupboard in the classroom. Oh well, life happens. I can always get it in the morning.

After work I had a massage that was just fabulous. I have my accupuncturist who I see when I have having physical issues other than just muscles. I have my massage therapist who I see if I really need some knots worked out. Now, I found the person who is REALLY good for relaxation. Lots of long, firm, and repetitive strokes, just the way I like it!!

The massage happened to take place in the same building where my "church" is so I decided to wait around for a bit to tell my teacher about doing that thing I didn't think I could do. When she got done with her last session for the day I walked into her office and said "Do you remember that Jesus CEO question that said 'if i had the courage I would...' and I answered quit my job." She turned around, looked at me, got this big grin on her face and said "you really quit your job!?!" She was so excited and happy for me. Everyone I told is happy for me.

After that I went to my now ex-job and handed in my security card and got my stuff out of my drawer. I said good-bye to a few people and they were quite shocked but totally understood. Then I went and had a celebratory root beer float at my favorite coffee shop (which happens to be run by lesbians). I hung out there for a while and ended up going for a mile walk in dress shoes (note to self: not a good thing to do).

I think this is what they call a LIFE

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