Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Reaching out

Those who know me well know that I am one of those people who does not like to ask for help. But now I am reaching out. I am seeking help and support from those who have also been in my position of coming out. I am also asking for the help and support of my leadership classmates and teachers (who I THINK are all straight but very GLBT friendly), for they are very close friends of mine.

I also e-mailed the organizers of the local Pride festival and found out about a support group. It's going to be so refreshing to be able to live out in the open and maybe find that special someone.

I finished my paper on Ray Boltz for leadership class this weekend. One of my classmates will not be there so I e-mailed her a copy of the paper last night. I have not heard from her yet. I'm a little bit on edge.

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