Saturday, October 18, 2008
Things are a bit clearer now
I realized that any thoughts I've had about being with men was more of a fantacy. Deep down in my soul I know I could never be with a man long term. But I can envision and feel myself being with a woman for the rest of my life.
It gets better
I stopped by the center Tuesday morning as I was walking home from my friends house. I had a really good conversation with her. In the past year and a half or so she has been one of my main go-to people when I've needed to talk or I just needed a really good hug or two or three.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I did it and they are going to throw me a PARTY
Reading our spiritual leader papers was the last thing we did for the class. I was a nervous mess. I thought about bringing out my Ben and Jerry's paper more than once. But I knew if I did that I would be kicking myself for a very long time. So after quite a bit of internal freaking out I read my paper about Ray Boltz.Everyone, including myself, had tears in their eyes and I got lots and lots of hugs. My teacher looked at me with her trademark look and said "thank you". It's a long story, but she knew I was struggling with this. It was the assignments she gave me during a private session with her that helped me become more comfortable and able to come out.
At the next class they are throwing me a coming out party complete with balloons and Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I couldn't have asked for a better response.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Reaching out
I also e-mailed the organizers of the local Pride festival and found out about a support group. It's going to be so refreshing to be able to live out in the open and maybe find that special someone.
I finished my paper on Ray Boltz for leadership class this weekend. One of my classmates will not be there so I e-mailed her a copy of the paper last night. I have not heard from her yet. I'm a little bit on edge.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Jesus called, he wants his religion back
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Bold and gutsy move
I am taking a leadership class that leads to ordination as an interfaith minister. For homework we were told to write a 3 page paper about a spiritual leader. The spiritual leader could be anyone. The assignment was to be presented the first weekend of September but class got canceled so it will be presented next weekend instead. I originally wrote my paper on Ben and Jerry (of the Ben and Jerry ice cream fame), it was safe and fun, but I was not satisfied with the way the paper turned out. Now, I think I am going to write my paper on Ray Boltz.
I was talking with one of my classmates via facebook chat and told her I was thinking about changing my paper. Without knowing the story behind it she gave me some very good ideas on how to integrate my reason for changing the paper with Ray's story as well as bits of my own.
I am a bit scared and fearful. I'm not quite sure why because I know everyone (all 5 of us plus three teachers) in my class is very accepting of ALL people.
I made a commitment to myself when I started this class that I was not going to do the assignments just to get through the class. I promised myself I would give it my all. So, I had to really think about that Ben and Jerry paper and if I presented it would I really be giving my all? Hmmm, makes me think about some lyrics of Rays "What if I give all I have?What will that gift do? My child, a gift like that could change the world"
This wouldn't be the first bold and gutsy thing I've done recently. A couple days ago I walked away from a job that was robbing me of my health and sanity from the stress. So outing myself to my classmates should be easy right?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I think this is what they call a LIFE!
After work I had a massage that was just fabulous. I have my accupuncturist who I see when I have having physical issues other than just muscles. I have my massage therapist who I see if I really need some knots worked out. Now, I found the person who is REALLY good for relaxation. Lots of long, firm, and repetitive strokes, just the way I like it!!
The massage happened to take place in the same building where my "church" is so I decided to wait around for a bit to tell my teacher about doing that thing I didn't think I could do. When she got done with her last session for the day I walked into her office and said "Do you remember that Jesus CEO question that said 'if i had the courage I would...' and I answered quit my job." She turned around, looked at me, got this big grin on her face and said "you really quit your job!?!" She was so excited and happy for me. Everyone I told is happy for me.
After that I went to my now ex-job and handed in my security card and got my stuff out of my drawer. I said good-bye to a few people and they were quite shocked but totally understood. Then I went and had a celebratory root beer float at my favorite coffee shop (which happens to be run by lesbians). I hung out there for a while and ended up going for a mile walk in dress shoes (note to self: not a good thing to do).
I think this is what they call a LIFE
You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
During my leadership class 6 weeks ago we listened to a book on tape titled Jesus, CEO. One of the questions that was posed was along the lines of "What would you do if you had the courage." The first thing that popped into my brain was "Quit my job to pursue other interests."
The past few weeks at work have been VERY difficult with being sick and a bad case of insomnia. I was constantly having to violate my ethics and morals. My soul was screaming at me a long time ago that this job was not for me. Now my body is rebelling with high blood pressure, rapid heart rate and heartburn. When it came time to go to work I felt that sinking feeling in my gut and it took so much effort and energy to drag my butt into work. So, last night I did the thing I didn't think I could do, I QUIT!! Yup, I'm done. I am going in today to sign whatever paperwork I need to sign, turn in my security badge, and clean out my drawer.
I filled out a ton of applications yesterday and even had an interview with a second interview scheduled for Friday. I have a felling that I will be employed again on Monday, maybe even before then.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Now Clay and Lindsay
My question is, why did it take so long for Clay to come out? NOBODY is supprised at the news.
And then there is John McCain's cheif of staff who just came out.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Why is it difficult to tell the ones we care about most?
So tired
I think I can officially say I am having one of my really bad cases of insomnia. I've almost totally cut out caffeine and it's even storming outside (my favorite sleeping weather).
I'm taking a few proactive measures to calm down and relax. I've got the accupuncture/massage happening at noon. Before that I am going to go do some meditation.
When I finally do drift off to sleep I enter in that really vivid dream state. One time I was yelling at my mom trying to get her to believe something. This was a passionate please believe me type of yell. Then I've had a series of dreams where I was faced with big decisions. I don't remember the circumstances, but I remember the theme. It's 8:14 am right now, I am going to try to get some sleep.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tonight I was hurting, my heart physically hurt as I went to my church to celebrate the Fall equinox. And wouldn't you know one of the main points my minister made tonight was about having an open heart. We then went through a labrynth. I've been very very good in the past about keeping my emotions bottled up but tonight I started letting them out. I needed to release some of that energy. I did the labrynth twice and found it very healing. After we were done we were instructed to leave in silence. I was getting ready to go when I saw my minister and asked for a hug. She was the first person I came out to. We hugged for a long time and I was able to just cry. For those who know me well they know tears do not come easily, especially when I am around other people. But I have found a place where I have been able to start to heal.
Tomorrow I am going to see a dear friend of mine who does accupuncture and massage. She knows how to read my physical and spiritual body so well, I always get exactly what I need without telling her anything. Then Thursday I am getting a massage from a woman who is a member of my spiritual community. I've never had a massage from her before but I just get this feeling from her that I'll be able to just melt and relax. I'm not going to her to get knots worked out I am going just for the calming and relaxation. My blood pressure is telling me I need it. Right now what is speaking to me more is my head, it's pounding. I have a migraine from the lack of sleep. I took some drugs and I hope to sleep well tonight.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Sleep, or the lack thereof
I need to get some more of this stuff off of my chest. I need to talk to someone, a real live person. I have someone I can call and talk to on Tuesday, possibly Monday.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Ray Boltz
It does not suprise me, but it still saddens me to read all the hurtful comments from "Christians" about Ray's announcement. They think that if he prays harder or gets proper counceling (ie ex-gay therapy which is known to be harmful) he'll be cured. Those types of comments is one of the reasons I no longer associate with that brand of Christianity.
My history, part 3
At the next leadership class I shared my assignment, but left some parts out as I was not comfortable sharing them yet. My spiritual teacher looked at me and told me to continue working on the assignment. I was not able to eat dinner that night. After class I found myself asking her "Where do I go from here?" It was hard, but I broke down and spilled my guts. I told her what I was feeling. I know to some it may sound bad, but her response can be summed up as "yeah, so what?" No big deal. I am still the same person she has always known. When I see her nothing is different. It's the best response I could have received.
I ended up chatting with one of my classmates on Facebook chat and I came out to her too. Once again, no big deal. As I shared my story she was able to share hers too. After that chat I realized that I had kept myself in my own self imposed prison. By keeping my pain to myself I was also not allowing someone else to tell their own story.
My history, part 2
I had come out to myself but quickly shoved myself back into my self imposed Ft. Knox. Then I got an assignment from my leadership class that turned my world upside down. I got an assignment to work out my sacral chakra. For those of you who don't know the sacral chakra is also know as the sexual and creativity chakra. Lo and behold as I started to explore this chakra these "issues" came up again. I decided I could not deny my feelings anymore, I am attracted to women. During this assignment I went to a study where the speaker was a MTF trans. This is where I felt some relief because I was finally able to put words to some of the feelings I was having. I have never fully identified as a female, but I don't have a desire to be male either. I learned that I can be both. But this also led to additional confusion. Was I bi?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My history, part 1
I grew up in a smallish town on the edge of the Twin Cities burbs. Through the religious tradition I was brought up in I was taught that sex before marriage was wrong and being GLB or T was even worse. So I had no problem being the good girl and didn't have sex. It was easy because I was never attracted to the boys. I always viewed this as I was such a good strong girl/woman that I was able to resist this temptation that seemed so strong for so many.
When I heard about gays it was always a man/man coupling. I don't remember ever hearing about same sex couples being women. This was also before the time when the internet was everywhere. A few years after high school I was exposed to lesbians and while I was very intrigued I was very much against it because of what I grew up with.
Even though I didn't know about lesbians growing up I was always fascinated by women's bodies. I was really fascinated by breasts. Of course I was curious about penises but once I saw one I never had the desire to see one in person ever again.